- Sustainability/
- Promoting Work-Life Balance
Promoting Work-Life Balance
In seeking to help people realize their life dreams, we strives to create workplace environments that enable its employees to lead fulfilling lives in alignment with their respective life stages while also making it possible for them to fully demonstrate their capabilities on the job. In addition to helping employees balance work with their parental and caregiving obligations, we also provide pleasant workplace environments and adopt programs tailored to employees who play supporting roles in that regard.
(consolidated group) | FY6/2019 | FY6/2020 | FY6/2021 | FY6/2022 | FY6/2023 | FY6/2024 |
Number of births (people) | 10 | 14 | 13 | 17 | 20 | 11 |
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave | - | - | - | - | 13.3% | 8.3% |
Percentage of female employees taking childcare leave | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Percentage of female employees returning to work after taking childcare leave | 100% | 100% | 100% | 94.1% | 95.5% | 92.9% |
Number of employees taking advantage of the work-life balance system | 28 | 27 | 34 | 41 | 41 | 43 |
Number of work-life balance system users holding executive positions (people) | 17 | 15 | 22 | 26 | 29 | 27 |
Number of remote working system users (for nursing and childcare) | - | - | - | 46 | 95 | 24 |
Newly established: number of employees taking special leave (lifestyle support, menstrual leave, etc.) | - | - | - | - | 113 | 246 |
Note:Figures as of the end of June for each fiscal year
Note:Total men and women
Work-Life Balance Support System
- Reduced work
Available for choice of work shift patterns as specified in the work rules - Childcare Leave
(up to a child's first birthday, in principle)
* Available until a child is one year and six months of age, and up until a maximum of two years of age, as necessary - Nursing Care Leave
(5 days per year for employees with one child, 10 days per year for employees with two or more children)
* Available in half-day and hourly increments - Other than the above, overtime work exemptions, limits on overtime hours, etc.
- Caregiving Leave
(eligible for up to a total of 93 days leave) -
Time off for caregiving
(5 days per year for employees with one applicable family member, 10 days per year for employees with two or more applicable family members)
* Available in half-day and hourly increments - Other than the above, overtime work exemptions, limits on overtime hours, etc.
Life Support Leave
(available for illnesses requiring medical treatment, hospital visits, etc. and caregiving due to illness of employees, their family members, partners or others that they want to live their lives with) - Menstrual Period Leave
(available in cases where it is extremely difficult for employees to work) - Disaster Leave
(available in cases where employees, their family members, partners or others that they want to live their lives with suffer from natural disasters, etc.) - Donor Leave
(available for necessary exams and hospitalization in cases where employees are donors for bone-marrow transplants, etc.) - Lay Judge Leave
(available in cases where employees are selected as lay judges, etc.)

I took two childcare holidays. Even when there is a sudden call from the nursery, I can go to pick up my child with peace of mind because people around me follow up. I am grateful for an environment where I can balance my work with raising my children.
Joined the company in 2014 20s, Female
I took childcare leave for about three weeks. At first, I told my boss that I wanted him to take childcare leave for just one week, and he replied "Why not get at least 2~3 weeks?," and I was satisfied with his words. I think it was a short period of time, but I'm really glad that I got it. First of all, I was able to support my wife because of the change in the childcare environment, second of all, I became more grateful to my wife because I learned from my experience that childcare is so hard, and more importantly, I was able to watch my newborn daughter grow up.
Joined the company in 2019 30s. Male
Providing Employment and Support for Individuals with Disabilities
We provides environments within which all employees can effectively contribute in accordance with their own individual characteristics and supports and accommodates these personnel from their practical training stages. We staff job coaches who are responsible for understanding individual personnel attributes (such as disabilities, personalities, experiences, and skills) and promoting employee growth and development. In keeping with its regional and social contribution activities, the Group also creates employment opportunities for people with disabilities through an agricultural farm located in Settsu, Osaka.

After returning to childcare leave, I became a manager while working shorter hours. At first, I felt bad about going home before the members and taking a short break, but as a result, the members became independent, and we were able to work as a team by filling in the gaps. I feel that the experience of raising children has improved my skills for training subordinates!
Joined the company in 2012 30s, Female