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Human Resources Development

Policy on Human Recourse Development

We upholds the corporate philosophy that “we are dedicated to perpetual prosperity and greater happiness by constantly creating affluence for customers, employees and society.” In expanding our various businesses, the proportion of human services is high, and we position human resources as our most important management asset. We aiming to make real estate information more open and available, upholds the vision of “HOUSE DO in every area. Creating reliable and convenient service counters closer to our customers,” and seeks individuals with the following qualities to achieve this.

  • A sense of fulfillment in contributing to society and helping others
  • The ability to take the initiative to drive momentum for change without being content with the status quo
  • Integrity to consistently and diligently perform what is expected as standard
  • Flexibility to adapt to change and perseverance to continue to work and grow until goals are achieved

To secure talent that will play a central role in the future, we are actively hiring new graduates with high potential and mid-career professionals who can immediately contribute. As part of our human resources strategy aimed at medium to long-term corporate value enhancement, we are strategically allocating personnel, with a particular focus on the House-Leaseback Business and the Real Estate Brokerage Business, within growth-driving businesses—areas that require significant human resources for business expansion. Recognizing the importance of ensuring diversity in the appointment and related development of core personnel, we are committed to strengthening our recruitment and professional development initiatives.

In addition, the Group considers the growth of human resources to be synonymous with the growth of the Company and regularly conducts engagement surveys to create a workplace where employees find motivation and fulfillment in their work. To strengthen “career development that promotes individual growth,” “improvement of the acceptability of personnel evaluations,” and “preservation of our corporate philosophy and organizational culture,” we are improving our human resource initiatives. These efforts include redeveloping career maps for each organizational level to support individual professional development, enhancing learning opportunities, and reviewing and refining personnel evaluation criteria.

Recruitment (Full-Time Employees)

Recruitment of New Graduates

  FY6/2019 FY6/2020 FY6/2021 FY6/2022 FY6/2023 FY6/2024
(Foreign nationals)
7 27 40 45
23 10
(Foreign nationals)
25 44 43 40 28 31
Total 32 71 83 85 51 41

Note:Aggregation period:from July 1 to June 30 of the following year

Recruitment of Mid-Career Professionals

  FY6/2019 FY6/2020 FY6/2021 FY6/2022 FY6/2023 FY6/2024
(Foreign nationals)
61 48 31
15 12
(Foreign nationals)
100 94 70
30 91
Total 161 142 101

Note:Aggregation period:from July 1 to June 30 of the following year

Mid-career employment ratio

  FY6/2019 FY6/2020 FY6/2021 FY6/2022 FY6/2023 FY6/2024
Mid-career employment ratio 83.4% 66.7% 55.6% 41.0% 45.7% 73.0%

Note:Aggregation period:from July 1 to June 30 of the following year

Human Resource Development Program

Upon Recruitment

New graduate initiation training Basic training on business etiquette, operations, and various systems
New employee follow-up program Follow-up procedures for potential employees: subsequent measures taken to ensure early success after joining the Company and prevent the rejection of employment offers
Family mentorship system: mental support provided by the Group as a whole instead of solely by the supervisor to whom an employee is assigned
OJT trainer system: OJT trainers are assigned to follow up regarding actual professional operations


Follow-up training (for recruited new graduates) Conducted six months and three years following employment
Collaborating with colleagues and observers to identify problems and challenges and follow up on these activities to help facilitate further career advancement and career changes, when appropriate
Half-year training (for recruited mid-career professionals) Training available for recruited mid-career professionals throughout Japan who have been with the Company for six months and joined at the same time
Increasing Group synergy through interaction with colleagues
Training for next-generation managers Year-long course for managerial position candidates focusing primarily on managerial issues

Companywide Training

e-learning Curriculum count: about 130 in 15 disciplines
Stream-based e-learning concerning critical knowledge and skills related to insider trading, compliance, internal systems, real estate brokerage, proper etiquette, etc.
Compliance training Rank-based training regarding topics such as information security and harassment
Other training External or online training (through seminars offered by Nissoken, etc.)

Career Advancement System

Personnel evaluation system Twice per year, personnel set goals based on interviews with supervisors and conduct both self-evaluations and supervisor evaluations.
Career enhancement program Through an internal job-posting system and other channels, employees can take initial steps toward establishing their desired careers.
Support for the acquisition of qualifications * Recommended qualifications
Registered real estate broker, registered architect with first-class license, registered architect with second-class license, licensed real estate appraiser, etc.